Hot Plate Analgesia Meter

Home Product Hot Plate Analgesia Meter Hot Plate Analgesia Meter

Hot Plate Analgesia Meter

Eddy's Hot Plate Analgesia or Analgesio Meter performs rapid & precise screening of analgesic drug properties on small laboratory animals.

Eddy's Hot Plate Analgesia or Analgesio Meter has been developed for hot plate tests pain test. Pain sensitivity to heat is assessed by placing the animal on the top of aluminium plate and starting the timer. The operator stops the timer at the instant the animal lifts its paws from the plate, reacting from discomfort. The front panel timer displays the latency to react, a measurement of the animal’s resistance to pain.



  • Plate temperature can be held at a set point between 5°C above ambient to 60°C (±0.2°C)
  • Remote foot-switch controls the test start / stop allowing rapid Hands-free experiments
  • Instrument has provision to add max sequence numbers, auto experiment number and animal sex.
  • High temperature stability & Uniform surface heat distribution
  • A built-in timer activated by an external foot switch allows the precise measurement of the reaction time (0.1 Sec. Resolution)
  • Precise and reproducible results
  • Cut off timer to avoid damage to animal
  • Top LID Sensor to indicate lid is open and thereof avoiding temperature fluctuations
  • PC Connectivity with software
  • Software with calibration and report generation feature
  • Software has provision to add title, comment, graphical presentation and data can be converted in excel or pdf

System Specification & Models

Model Control Unit Dimensions mm(LxWxH) Plate dimensions mm(LxWxH) Animal Enclosure Dimensions mm (LxWxH) Temperature range ° C Reaction Time Seconds


300x335x128 207x207x10 220x220x250 5°C above ambient to 60°C(± 0.2° C) Digital timer resolution of 0.01s
Note: Ambient temperature must be 24-26℃

Order Information

Model Certifications Power requirements Accessories
EH-01 CE Compliant 220/230V AC 50Hz

110/120V AC 50-60Hz*

Control Panel With Acrylic chamber and lid, Foot switch

*Needs to be specified in order information

Note: Orchid’s continuing product development makes specifications subject to change without prior notification.