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Individually Ventilated Caging System (IVC)
Vogel Test Apparatus
Sherrington Recording Drum
Cooks Pole Climbing Apparatus
Tail Flick Analgesiameter
Paw Pressure Analgesiameter
Metabolic Cage
Organ Bath System
Analgesiameter Hot & Hot Cold Plate
All Purpose Equipment
All Maze Video Tracking Software
Infra-red Actimeter
Mice & Rat Restrainers
A) Digital Plethysmometer :
1. Patel, M.G. and Pundarikakshudu, K., 2016. Effect of ethanol extract of an ayurvedic preparation (Pathyadya Churna) on arthritis in rats. Indian journal of pharmacology, 48(2), p.145.
2. Patel, M.G. and Pundarikakshudu, K., 2015. Anti-arthritic activity of a classical Ayurvedic formulation Vatari Guggulu in rats. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.
3. Patel, M.G. and Pundarikakshudu, K., 2016. Effect of Shatpuspadya Churna-a classical Ayurvedic formulation on formaldehyde and Complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) induced arthritis in rats. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine, 16(1), pp.59-65.
4. Singh, R.P. and Narke, R., 2015. PREPARATION AND EVALUATION OF PHYTOSOME OF LAWSONE. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 6(12), p.5217.
5. Khan, S.A., Chatterjee, S.S. and Kumar, V., 2016. Low dose aspirin like analgesic and anti- inflammatory activities of mono-hydroxybenzoic acids in stressed rodents. Life sciences, 148, pp.53-62.
6. Patwardhan, S.K. and Bhide, M.A., 2015. EVALUATION OF MYRISTICA FRAGRANS AS A PENETRATION ENHANCER IN TRANSDERMAL GEL FORMULATION. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7(3), pp.350-355.
7. Kumar, T. and Jain, V., 2014. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of Bridelia retusa methanolic fruit extract in experimental animals. The Scientific World Journal, 2014.
8. Khan, J., Alexander, A., Saraf, S. and Saraf, S., 2014. Luteolin–phospholipid complex: preparation, characterization and biological evaluation. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66(10), pp.1451-1462.
9. Rani, P., Pal, D., Hegde, R.R. and Hashim, S.R., 2014. Anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic activities of synthesized 2-(substituted phenoxy) acetamide derivatives. BioMed research international, 2014.
10. Khobragade, D.S., AK, L.R., Rao, T.K., AVR, P.K., Reddy, G.S. and Potbhare, M.S., 2013. Multi-model confirmatory evaluation of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and
antioxidant activities of Putranjiva roxburghii wall. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 4(12), pp.921-932.
11. More, S.K., Lande, A.A., Jagdale, P.G., Adkar, P.P. and Ambavade, S.D., 2013. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad and Wendl(Kaṇṭakāri) extract in laboratory animals. Ancient science of life, 32(4), p.222.
12. Kakoti, B.B., Pradhan, P., Borah, S., Mahato, K. and Kumar, M., 2013. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the methanolic stem bark extract of Nyctanthes arbor- tristis linn. BioMed research international, 2013.
13. SitharaAP, R.M., Mallya, S., Sudhakara, B.S. and Srikanth, P., 2013. Experimental evaluation of analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential of leaves of Anfidesma menasu on wistar albino rats. Int J Pharmacol and Clin Sci, 2, pp.105-12.
14. Naik, S.R., Bhagat, S., Shah, P.D., Tare, A.A., Ingawale, D. and Wadekar, R.R., 2013. Evaluation of anti-allergic and anti-anaphylactic activity of ethanolic extract of Zizyphus jujuba fruits in rodents. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 23(5), pp.811-818.
15. Santosh Singh Bhadoriya, Vijay Mishra, Sushil Raut, Aditya GaneshPurkar, Sunil K. Jain.1110-09. Anti-inflammatory and Antinociceptive Activities of a Hydroethanolic Extract of Tamarindus indica Leaves, Sci Pharm in press.
16. Waseem Rizvi, Mohd. Fayazuddin, Syed Shariq, Ompal Singh, Shagufta Moin, Kafil akhtar and Anil Kumar,Anti-inflammatory activity of roots of Cichorium intybus due to its inhibitory effect on various cytokines and antioxidant activity.
17. Anirudha A. Lande , Shirishkumar D. Ambavade , Uma S. Swami , Prafulla P. Adkar , Prashant D. Ambavade , Arun B. Waghamare ,Saponins isolated from roots of Chlorophytum borivilianum reduce acute and chronic inflammation and histone deacetylase, Research Article, Department of Pharmacology, JSPM’s Jayawantrao Sawant.
18. Rohan N. Andhare , Mayuresh K. Raut , Suresh R. Naik , 2012. Evaluation of antiallergic and anti-anaphylactic activity of ethanolic extract of Sanseveiria trifasciata leaves (EEST) in rodents, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 142 (2012) 627–633, Department of Pharmacology, Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, Pune, India.
19. Surendra Tripathy, Malay K Das, 2013. Curcumin-phospholipid supramolecular complex for transdermal application, Scholars Research Library Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2013, 5 (5):224-233, Division of Pharmaceutics, Varanasi College of Pharmacy, Varanasi, India, Department of Pharmaceutical, Dibrugarh University,Dibrugarh,India.
20. Manoj Kumbhare and Thangavel Sivakumar, 2011, Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Activity of Stem Bark of Moringa Oleifera, Pharmacologyonline 3: 641-650 (2011), Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Nandha College of Pharmacy, Erode, Tamil Nadu 638 052, India.
21. Narahari N. Palei and Malay K. Das, Lornoxicam loaded solid lipid nano particles for topical delivery: ex vivo assessment and pharmacodynamics activity, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN(Print):2321-3310; ISSN (Online):2321-3086, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh 786004 India.
22. Malay K Das and L. Boro, Fabrication,Appraisal and Pharmacodynamics of Curcumin Loaded Polymethyl Methacrylate Nano particles, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research SJIF Impact Factor 5.045 Volume 3, Issue 4, 2004-2028. Research Article ISSN 2277 – 7105, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh 786004 India.
23. Kawade Rajendra, Ghiware Nitin,Ghante Mahavir,Vadvalkar Sudhir,Kumare Mangesh, 2013. Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Potential of Ixora coccinea, Linn Ethanolic Root Extract, Int. J. Drug Dev. &Res., 2013, 5(1), 326-332.
24. Nagarkar B, Jagtap Suresh, Nirmal Pallavi, Narkhede Aarti, Kuvalekar Aniket, Kulkarni Omkar, Harsulkar Abhay,2013. Comparative evaluation of anti-inflammatory potential of medicinally important plants, Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, 2013, 5 (3), 239-243.
25. Dasgupta Sandipan,Dey Sanjay, Choudhury Supratik, Mazumdar Bhaskar 2013. Topical delivery of aceclofenac as nanoemulsion comprising excipients having optimum emulsification capabilities: preparation, characterization and in vivo evaluation, Expert Opinion on Drug Del.,2013, 10, (4), 411-420.
26. Nagarkar B, Jagtap Suresh, Nirmal Pallavi, Narkhede Aarti, Kuvalekar Aniket, Kulkarni Omkar, Harsulkar Abhay, 2013. Different ayurvedic dosage forms of Dashamoola possess varied anti-inflammatory activity, World J. Pharmacy pharm. Sci., 2013,2(5), 3118-3136.
27. Nirmal Pallavi, Koppikar S, Bhondave P.t, Narkhede A., Nagarkar B, Kulkarni V, Wagh N 2013. Influence of Six Medicinal Herbs on Collagenase-Induced Osteoarthritis in Rats, Am. J. Chin. Med., 2013, 41, 1407-1411.
28. Dasgupta Sandipan,Dey Sanjay, Choudhury Supratik, Mazumdar Bhaskar 2013. Nano emulsion as a Carrier for Topical Delivery of Aceclofenac, Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, 2013, 143, 1-19.
29. Sutapa Das, Rana Datta, and Subhangkar Nandy,Phytochemical screening and evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic extract of Abroma augusta Linn, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease , DOI: 10.1016/S2222-1808(12)60135-2, Department of Pharmacology, Gupta College of Technological Sciences, Ashram More, Asansol-713301, West Bengal, India.
30. Anirudha A.Lande ,Shirishkumar D.Ambavade,Uma S.Swami,Prafulla P.Adkar,Prashant D.Ambavade,2015Saponins isolated from roots of Chlorophytum borivilianumreduce acute and chronic inflammation and histone deacetylase Journal of Integrative Medicine Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2015, Haffkine Biopharmaceutical Corporation Ltd., Pimpri, Pune-411018, India, Department of Pharmacology, JSPM's, Hadapasar, Pune-411028, India.
31. Nithya Sermugapandian,Mrs. Rubini, Mrs.Martina,2018 Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Elettaria Cardamom Oil On Carrageenan-Induced Paw Edema Using Rats Based On Tumor Necrosis Factor Α, Interleukin 6, And Interleukin 1 Levels In Serum, Asian journal of pharmaceutical & clinical research Vol 11, Issue 2, 2018.
32. Prafulla P Adkar, Amita Dongare, Shirishkumar D Ambavade, V H Bhaskar,Effect of Trapa bispinosa on HDAC Level in Animal Tissues for its Anti-arthritic Activity, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Department of Pharmacology, JSPM's, Hadapasar, Pune-411028, India.
33. Leake Gerbremeskel, . Gereziher Geremedhin Sibhat, Bhoumik, & Kald Beshir Tuem, 2018. In Vivo Wound Healing and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Leaf Latex of Aloe megalacantha Baker (Xanthorrhoeaceae), Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2018, Article ID 5037912, 7 pages, Department of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, Aksum University, Aksum, Ethiopia Dayananda.
34. Farah Ghaus, Nusra Rahman & Rati tandon, Arsalan Moinuddin, Waqar Akram, Nafis Ahmad Faruqi,2015. Densities of Foetal Clavicles during Second and Third Trimesters, Academia Anatomica International Jul-Dec 2015, Vol 1, Issue 1, Page :30-33, Department of Anatomy, J.N.M.C, Aligarh, UP, India, Department of Physiology, NIMS, Jaipur, UP, India.
35. Moumita Ray, Nilanjana Deb, Rana Datta and Shila Elizabeth Besra,Analgesic, Anti- Pyretic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of The Lymph Extracted from Bellamya Bengalensis F. Annandalei In Rodent Models, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,Cancer Biology and Inflammatory Disorder Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata-700032, West Bengal, India
36. Pallavi S. Nirmal, Suresh D., Jagtap,Aarti N. Narkhede,Bhagyashri E. Nagarkar, Abhay M. Harsulkar,2017. New herbal composition (OA-F2) protects cartilage degeneration in a rat model of collagenase induced osteoarthritis, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Department of Herbal Biotechnology,Interactive Research School for Health Affairs (IRSHA) Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Pune India.
37. Mohd. Fayazuddin,Farida Ahmad,Anil Kumar,S. M. Yunus, 2013. An Experimental Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Moringa Oleifera Seeds, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmacology,Department of Anatomy, J.N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002.
38. Harikesh Maurya,Tirath Kumar, 2016. Formulation characterization and pharmacological evaluation of anti-inflammatory polyphyto matrix tablet as a novel drug delivery system,Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Kumaun University, Nainital (UK) India.
39. Sangita Bhattacharya,Anjan Adhikari, Abhijit Chanda, Tapas Kumar sur, 2019. Pharmacological evaluation of a freshwater mollusc, Bellamya bengalensis lamarck on adjuvant induced arthritis in wistar rats,International Journal of Biosciences, Department of Pharmacology, R. G. Kar Medical College,Khudiram Bose Sarani, Kolkata700004, West Bengal, India.
40. Surender Singh, Ritu Karwasra, Prerna Kalra, Debadatta Nayak, Anil K Khurana,Raj K Manchanda, 2019. Attenuation of Complete Freund's Adjuvant-induced arthritis by different dilutions of Eupatorium perfoliatum and Crotalus horridus and their safety evaluation, Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy,Department of Pharmacology, AIIMS,New Delhi,India, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, New Delhi, India.
41. Rishika Agarwal,RaviGupta,Rajesh,Yadav,VivekAsati,JagdishChandraRathi, 2019. Anti-Inflammatory activity of seeds extracts of datura stramonium against carrageenan induced paw edema on albino wistar rats, NRI Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bhopal,India.
42. Mahavir Hiralal Ghante,Kishore P. Bhusari,Nandkishore J. Duragkar &Nitin B. Ghiware, 2014. Pharmacological evaluation for anti-asthmatic and anti-inflammatory potential of Woodfordia fruticosa flower extracts.
43. Brijesh R. Humbal, Kamlesh A. Sadariya, Jaimin A. Prajapati, Shailesh K. Bhavsar and Aswin M. Thaker, 2019. Anti-inflammatory activity of Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merrill & Perry oil in carrageenan-induced paw edema in female rats, Annals of Phytomedicine: An International Journal, Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Anand Agricultural University, Anand- 388001, Gujarat, India.
44. Kanagasabai Somakala,Mohammad Amir, 2016. Synthesis, characterization and pharmacologicalevaluation of pyrazolyl urea derivatives aspotential anti-inflammatory agents, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hamdard University, New Delhi 110062, India.
45. Ms. S. Nancya, 2012. Development and evaluation of microemulsion for transdermal delivery of lornoxicam, Department of Pharmaceutics Periyar College of Pharmaceutical Sciences for Girls Tiruchirappalli – 620 021.
46. Urmila Anil Kagal,Anil Pandharinath Hogade, 2019. Effect of High Carbohydrate Diet on Complete Freund’s Adjuvant Induced Inflammation in Rats, Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, Department of Pharmacology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Belagavi, Karnataka. 5900010.
B) Diffusion Cell Apparatus :
2. K.Sumalatha*, A.Srinivasa Rao, P.Latha ,2014.DESIGN AND INVITRO EVALUATION OF NANOGE L CONTAINING MENTHA PIPERITA. Sumalatha K et al. / American Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Research. 2014;1(3):136-139.
3. Sherafudeen, S.P. and Vasantha, P.V., 2015. Development and evaluation of in situ nasal gel formulations of loratadine. Research in pharmaceutical sciences, 10(6), p.466.
4. Leeladurga, V., Teja, U.C., Sultana, S.A., Sudeep, K., Anusha, V.S.S., Han, T., Nalluri, B.N. and Das, D.B., 2015. Application of Microneedle Arrays for Enhancement of Transdermal Permeation of Insulin: In Vitro Experiments, Scaling Analyses and Numerical Simulations. AAPS PharmSciTech, pp.1-8.
5. Patel, R.B., Vekaria, K.B. and Patel, M.R., 2016. TLC-densitometric method for quantitation of Lurasidone hydrochloride in nanoemulsion, microemulsion, for
equilibrium solubility and ex vivo diffusion studies. Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (TJPS), 40(1).
6. Nalluri, B.N., Ram, P.P., Teja, U.C. and Sultana, S.A., 2014. FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF DRUG IN ADHESIVE TRANSDERMAL PATCHES OF RIVASTIGMINE. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 4(11), pp.5242-5248.
7. Nalluri, B.N., Kosuri, S., Valluru, S.S.A., Uppuluri, C.T. and Sultana, A., Microneedle Assisted Transdermal Delivery of Levodopa. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | Vol 50 | Issue 2 | Apr-Jun, 2016
8. Arunkumar, S., Ashok, P., Desai, B.G. and Shivakumar, H.N., 2015. Effect of chemical penetration enhancer on transdermal iontophoretic delivery of diclofenac sodium under constant voltage. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 30, pp.171-179.
9. Kumbhare, M. and Sivakumar, T., 2011. Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activity of pods of Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 1(7), p.18.
11. Jangde, R. and Singh, D., 2016. Preparation and optimization of quercetin-loaded liposomes for wound healing, using response surface methodology. Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology, 44(2), pp.635-641.
12. Panchaxari, D.M., Pampana, S., Pal, T., Devabhaktuni, B. and Aravapalli, A.K., 2013. Design and characterization of diclofenac diethylamine transdermal patch using silicone and acrylic adhesives combination. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 21(1), p.1.
13. Subhranshu Panda, Sheetal acharya, Jyoti Gandhi, Nishith Patel, 2011. Development and Characterization of Mucoadhesive patches of Glimepiride for buccal administration, JPSBR: Volume 1, Issue 2: Sept-Oct 2011 (102-107).
14. Shivhare U.D., Mathur V.B., Shinde R.D., Tapas S.S.2011. Synthesis of Diethyl Phthalate and Its Application in Creams and Ointments, International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences 1(2): Sep-Oct 2011.
15. Vinod L. Gaikwad, Vishal D.Yadav, Rakesh P. Dhavale, Prafulla B. Choudhari, Swapnil D Jadhav,2012. Effect of Carbopol 934 and 940 on Fluconazole Release from Topical Gel Formulation: A Factorial Approach, Current Pharma Research, ISSN: 2230-7842 CPR 2(2), 2012, 487-493.
16. Patwardhan, S.K. and Bhide, M.A.,2015. Evaluation Of Myristica Fragrans As A Penetration Enhancer In Transdermal Gel Formulation. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7(3), pp.350-355.
17.Deepa T Vasudevan, S Gopalakrishnan, Kavitha R Dinesh, KG Ravikumar, KR Sundaram,Formulation and in-vitro evaluation of chrysophanol topical gel.
18. Satheesh Madhav N.V., Abhay Pratap Yadav,2014. Design and Evaluation of Novel Rosiglitazone Loaded Bio Lip-Strips Using Novel Biomaterial for Systemic Delivery Through a Novelistic Translabial Route, IAJPR. 2014; 4(6): 3002-3010.
19. Hemant Patil, Sahrwaree Hardikar, Ashok Bhosale ,2012. Formulation Developement & Evaluation of Proniosomal Gel of Carvedilol, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
20. Pintu K Dey, Jibitesh Paul, Sanjoy K Dey, Subas C Dinda, Soumen Rakshit at Pelagia Research Library ,2011. Formulation,Physico-chemical characterization and Release kinetic study of antihypertensive Transdermal Patches, Der Pharmacia Sinica, 2011, 2 (5):98-109.
21. Firdose Shaik, Sri Bramhini R., Sai Sri Anusha V., Padmini V. L., Nalluri Buchi,2013. Development and validation of RP-HPLC-PDA method for the analysis of sumatriptan in invitro transdermal permeation studies, J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2013, 5(11), 450-456.
22. Firdose Shaik, Prashanth P, Srikalyani V, Madhavi S., Nalluri Buchi ,2013. Analysis of rivastigmine in in vitro transdermal permeation studies by RP-HPLC-PDA method, J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2013, 5(11), 436-442.
23. Reshmy Rajan, Deepa T. Vasudevan,2012. Effect of permeation enhancers on the penetration mechanism of transfersomal gel of ketoconazole, J Adv Pharm Technol Res., 2012, 3(2), 112-6, Department of Pharmaceutics, Amrita School of Pharmacy, AIMS Health Care Campus, Kochi, India.
24. Patel R. B. Patel M.R. Bhatt K. K, Patel B. G,,2013. Formulation and evaluation of microemulsion based drug deliverysystem for intranasl administration of olanzapine, Int. J. of biomed. and pharm. Sci., 2013, 7(1), 20-27.
25. Jain D.P., Jain P.V., Bhalekar M.R2013. Sustained Release of Antiasthmatic Drugs Using Biopolymers, Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 2013, 23(1), 201-210.
26. Harun Rasheed, Rama Kotaiah Mogili,Chandrasekhar Kothapalli Bannoth, Formulation and Evaluation of Oxiconazole Based Niosomal Gel For The Effective Fungal Treatment, International Research Journal of Pharmacy., Research Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India.
27. G. Jilsha, Vidya Viswanad2015. Nanosponge Loaded Hydrogel of Cephalexin for Topical Delivery, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Research, AIMS Healthcare Campus, Ponekkara P.O., Kochi - 682041, Kerala, India.
28. Laxmi Goswami, N.V. Satheesh Madhav and Kumud Upadhyaya 2016. Development and evaluation of bio-nanoparticles as novel drug carriers for the delivery of Selegiline, International Current Pharmaceutical Journal, March 2016, 5(4): 33-37.
29. Ahmad Ajwad Talhouni, Jamal Alyoussef Alkrad, Manaf Mohammed Al- Dabbagh,Husam Abazid, Samer Hasan Hussein-Al-Ali,Transdermal of Atenolol Via Microemulsions 2019. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics (Vol 11, Issue 2, 2019, 164-171), Faculty of Pharmacy, Isra University, Amman, Jordan, Faculty of Pharmacy, Applied Science Private university, Amman, Jordan.
30. Ifrah Jafri, Muhammad Harris Shoaib, Rabia Ismail Yousuf, and Fatima Ramzan Ali,Effect of permeation enhancers on in vitro release and transdermal delivery of lamotrigine from Eudragit®RS100 polymer matrix-type drug in adhesive patches, Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
31. Pangkhi Medhia, Ololade Olatunjib, Atul Nayaka, Chandra Teja Uppuluric, Richard T Olssond, Buchi N. Nalluric, Diganta B Dasa, Lidocaine Loaded Fish Scale-Nanocellulose Biopolymer Composite Microneedles, Springer c American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom.
32. Harun Rasheed, Rama Kotaiah Mogili, Chandrasekhar Kothapalli Bannoth, Design and Evaluation of Oxiconazole Based Ethosome For Noval Drug Deliveryto The Skin, International Journal of research in pharmaceutical science.
33. Jamal Alyoussef Alkrad, Sedeeq Mustafa Al-doori, Hussainyousef AlGhatm, Using Inverted Microemulsions for Transdermal Application of Folic Acid, Department of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Isra University,Amman, Jordan.
34. Sheba R David,Nurafiqah Malek,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,Srikumar Chakravarthi,Rajan Rajabalaya,Development of controlled release silicone adhesive-based mupirocin patch demonstrates antibacterial activity on live rat skin against Staphylococcus aureus, PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences, University Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
35. Sudarshan Jagtap,Pallavi Badhe, Dr.Nayan Gujarathi, Amit Jadhav, Sayali Daware, Deepali Shewale,Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal Patch of Diclofenac Sodium as Ladies Bindi for Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Scienses (SIPS), Trimbakeshwar Road, Mahiravani, Nashik, M.S.India.
36. Gururaj C. Aithal, Usha Yogendra Nayak,Chetan Mehta, Reema Narayan, Pratibha Gopalkrishna, Sudharsan Pandiyan and Sanjay Garg,Localized in Situ Nanoemulgel Drug Delivery System of Quercetin for Periodontitis: Development and Computational Simulations, Department of Pharmaceutics, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal 576104, India.
37. Sayantan Mukhopadhyay,N.V. Satheesh Madhav and Kumud Upadhyaya,Formulation and evaluation of bio-nanoparticulated drug delivery of rivastigmine, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Research Scholar, Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, India.
38. Shweta V Padher,Dr. AR Madgulkar,Evaluation of topical formulations containing gingerol and piperine in rheumatoid arthritis, International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutics, AISSMS College of Pharmacy, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
39. M.P. Singh, B.P. Nagori, N. R. Shaw, M. Tiwari, Formulation Development & Evaluation of Topical Gel Formulations Using Different Gelling Agents and Its Comparison with Marketed Gel Formulation, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Erudition, Bharat Jhanwar Dept of Quality Assurance, Lachoo Memorial College of Science & Technology, Pharmacy Wing, Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
40. Swapnil Sanjay Chopade, Design and in-vitro evaluation of tenoxicam nanogel containing noveon polymer, International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Research, Department of Pharmaceutics, Tatyasaheb Kore College of Pharmacy, Warananagar, Panhala, Kolhapur - 416113, Maharashtra, India.
41. Phatak Atul A., Chaudhari Praveen D,Development and Evaluation of Nanogel as a Carrier for Transdermal Delivery of Aceclofenac,Asian Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology.
42. NV Satheesh Madhav , Abhay Pratap Yadav,Bhavana Yadav, Novel Bio-wall material from Cicer arietinum for formulation of Repaglinide nanoparticles, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Novel drug Delivery Research Laboratory,Faculty of Pharmacy Dehradun.
C) Grip Strength Meter :
1. Mathew George, Lincy Joseph , Hithin ,Raj. Sadanandan .2016.A Research on Synthesis of Oxazine Derivatives & Screening of Oxazine Derivatives for Certain Pharmacological Activities. international journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical research,Vol.:6, Issue:3
2. Nade, V.S., Kawale, L.A., Zambare, S.S., Dharmadhikari, P.P. and Pagare, P.S., 2014. Ameliorative Effect of Nebivolol in Parkinson’s disease. American Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, 1(3), pp.116-126.
3. Husain GM, Ahmed SS ,Azhar M, Siddiqui JI, Waheed MA,Kazmi MH,Comparative toxicity study on classical and modified version of Jawarish Jalinoos (a traditional Unani Formulation) in rats.
D) Digital Infrared Actimeter :
1. Singh, K.P., Meena, H.S. and Negi, P.S., 2014. Enhancement of neuromuscular activity by natural specimens and cultured mycelia of Cordyceps Sinensis in mice. Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 76(5), p.458.
2. Zahurin Mohamed Vijayapandi Pandy Ranjithkumar Chellian,Biphasic Effects of α-Asarone on Immobility in the Tail Suspension Test: Evidence for the Involvement of the Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Systems in Its Antidepressant-Like Activity, Fronties In Pharmacology,Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
3. Lusi Putri Dwita, Ema Dewanti, Vera Ladeska, Sediarso, Adnan Munthasir Ulfa Safni, Rahma Wulan Sari, Neuropharmacological activity of nut grass (Cyperus Rotundus L.) rhizome fraction, Pharmaciana, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA (UHAMKA), Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains Jl. Delima II/IV Perumnas Klender Jakarta Timur.
4. Ranjithkumar Chellian, Vijayapandi PandyProtective effect ofα-a sarone against nicotine-induced seizures in mice, but not by its interaction with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy,Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
5. Lokesh Debab & Amitsankar Duttaa, 2013. Comparative toxicological evaluation of two medicinal plants used by folklore practitioners of northeast India for treatment of hypertension,Institute of Bio resources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Takyelpat Institutional Area, Imphal, India.
6. Mahalaxmi Mohan, Pallavi Baviskar, Mitali Dalvi,2018.Effect of Solanum torvum Extract on Some Animal Behavioral Models in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats, Inventi Rapid: Ethnopharmacology, Volume 2018, issue4, M.G.V’S Pharmacy College,Nashik-422003,Maharashtra,India.
E) Digital Rota Rod Apparatus :
1. Singh, K.P., Meena, H.S. and Negi, P.S., 2014. Enhancement of neuromuscular activity by natural specimens and cultured mycelia of Cordyceps Sinensis in mice. Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 76(5), p.458
2. Yue Wu a , Erin L. Lousberg b,c , Lachlan M. Moldenhauer d , John D. Hayball b,c,e , Sarah A. Robertson d , Janet K. Coller a , Linda R. Watkins f , Andrew A. Somogyi a , Mark R. Hutchinson., 2011. Attenuation of microglial and IL-1 signalling protects mice from acute alcohol-induced sedation and/or motor impairment, Brain Behaviour and Immunity 25 (2011) S155–S164, Discipline of Pharmacology, School of Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide, SA, Australia.
3. Victor Túlio Ribeiro-Resende , Tiago Araújo Gomes, Silmara de Lima, Maiara Nascimento-Lima, Michele Bargas-Rega,Marcelo Felipe Santiago,Ricardo Augusto de Melo Reis,Fernando Garcia de Mell ., 2014. Mice Lacking GD3 Synthase Display Morphological Abnormalities in the Sciatic Nerve and Neuronal Disturbances during Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Research Article.
4. Yue Wu,Erin L Lousberg, Lachlan M Moldenhauer, John D Hayball, Janet K Coller, Kenner C Rice, Linda R Watkins, Andrew A Somogyi and Mark R Hutchinson 2012. Inhibiting the TLR4-MyD88 signalling cascade by genetic or pharmacological strategies reduces acute alcohol-induced sedation and motor impairment in mice, Article first published online: 10 FEB 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2011.01572.x Volume 165, Issue 5, pages 1319–1329, March 2012.
5. Khalki loubna,saadia ba mohamed, Soakar Zahra,bennis mohamad,Laurent vinay,Helene bras, Jean-Charles Viemari. Prenatal Exposure to Fenugreek Impairs Sensorimotor Development and the Operation of Spinal Cord Networks in Mice, PLoS ONE (Impact Factor:3.53).DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080013 Source: PubMed, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, P3M Team, CNRS, Aix Marseille Université, Marseille, France.
6. Ebrahim Rajab,Ghada Al-Kafaji,Hamza Al Enazi,Narjis Al Qassab,Amra Sakusic, Amer Kamal 2017. Additive Benefits of Environmental Enrichment and Voluntary Exercise on Cognition and Motor Coordination in Diabetic Mice, Bahrain Medical Bulletin, Vol. 39, No. 1, March 2017, College of Medical and Health Sciences Ahlia University.
7. Vaishali R. Undale, Sagar S. Ghanwat, Namrata M. Tekchandani, Chandrashekhar D. Upasani, Ashok V. Bhosale, Protection against Ischemic Stroke Damage by Synergistic Treatment with Telmisartan plus Pitavastatin in male wistar rat, RESEARCH ARTICLE 2018 Vol.1 - Issue 1, Department of Pharmacology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Pimpri, Pune.
8. Lokesh Debab & Amitsankar Duttaa, Comparative toxicological evaluation of two medicinal plants used by folklore practitioners of northeast India for treatment of hypertension.
9. Manoj Kumar,Surya P. Singh,and Chandra M. Chaturvedi Chronic Nonmodulated Microwave Radiations in Mice Produce Anxiety-like and Depression-like Behaviours and Calcium- and NO-related Biochemical Changes in the Brain, Molecular Neuroendocrinology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221005, India.
10. Yue Wu, Erin L Lousberg,Lachlan M Moldenhauer,John D Hayball,Janet K Coller,Kenner C Rice,Linda R Watkins,Andrew A Somogyi and Mark R Hutchinson, Inhibiting the TLR4-MyD88signalling cascade by genetic or pharmacological strategies reduces acute alcohol-induced sedation and motor impairment in mice, British Journal of Pharmacology, Discipline of Pharmacology, School of Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide, South Australia,Australia.
11. Victor Tulio Ribeiro-Resende,Tiago Arau´jo Gomes,Silmara de Lima,Maiara Nascimento- Lima,Michele Bargas-Rega2,Marcelo Felipe Santiago,Ricardo Augusto de Melo Reis, Fernando Garcia de Mello, Mice Lacking GD3 Synthase Display Morphological Abnormalities in the Sciatic Nerve and Neuronal Disturbances during Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Instituto de Biofı´sica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Laborato´rio de Neuroquı´mica, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
F) Hot Plate Analgesia Meter :
1.Mahajan, M.S., Gulecha, V.S., Khandare, R.A., Upaganlawar, A.B., Gangurde, H.H. and Upasani, C.D., 2012. Anti-edematogenic and analgesic activities of Ficus benghalensis. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2(2), p.100.
2.Khobragade, D.S., AK, L.R., Rao, T.K., AVR, P.K., Reddy, G.S. and Potbhare, M.S., 2013. Multi-model confirmatory evaluation of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant activities of Putranjiva roxburghii wall. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 4(12), pp.921-932.
4.Singh, A.K. and Vinayak, M., 2015. Curcumin attenuates CFA induced thermal hyperalgesia by modulation of antioxidant enzymes and down regulation of TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6. Neurochemical research, 40(3), pp.463-472.
5. Loxmi Jamoh, Pallabi K. Hui, Tridip J. Das and Hui Tag, Evaluation of Analgesic Activity of Methanolic Extract of Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) Bennett & R. Brown Leaves in Albino Rat, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh-791112, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
6. Pallavi R. Baviskar and Vinod R. Patil, Pharmacological Evaluation of Neuro Protective Effect Of Ferulic Acid In Animal Model Of Neuropathy, International Journal of Current Research, Department of Pharmacology, MGV’s Pharmacy College, Panchavati, Nashik, 422003, India.
7. Lakshmi Rajahamsa A K , Deepak K S, T K V Kesava Rao , Pranav Kumar A V R , G R Sreenivas Reddy and Potbhare M S, Multi-model confirmatory evaluation of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant activities of Putranjiva roxburghii wall, International Journal of Biomedical And Advance Research ,Sree Dattha Institute of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, India.
G) Tablet Hardness Tester :
1.Madhur Chandrashekhar Kulkarni, Sunil Vitthalrao Kolhe, 2015-2016.Formulation Development and Evaluation of Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets using Co – Processed Excipients. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, nt. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 36(1), Article No. 39, Pages: 217-222ISSN 0976 –044X.
2.UmakantVerma, J.B. and Mokale, V.J., 2014. Preparation of freeze-dried solid dispersion powder using mannitol to enhance solubility of Lovastatin and development of sustained release tablet dosage form. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology, 1(1), pp.11-26.
3. Anjan De, Suddhasattya Dey , Prasanna Kumar Pradhan , Hardhik and Jayash Thomar . 2012. Spectrophotometric Estimation of Valacyclovir by Zero Order and First Order Derivative Method in Bulk and Tablet Dosage Form PHARMBIT, Jan – Dec 2012; XXV & XXVI (1 & 2) 2 ©, PHARMBIT
4. Himanshu Gupta, Anubhav Anand, Rakesh Pundir, CS Pandian, Shubhini Saraf, Fabrication of cefuroxime-impregnated calcium sulfate: Polycaprolactone composite implant for osteomyelitis, Asisna Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 3, Issue 3, Page 227-232, 2009.
5. Amol S.Rakte,Dr. Basavaraj K.Nanjwade,Development, Characterisation and Preclinical Evaluation of Some Novel Enzymes with Vitamin, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research SJIF Impact Factor 5.990 , Volume 4, Issue 5, 2096-2123. Research Article ISSN 2277– 7105.
H) Analgesia Meter
1. 2013, Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of the Methanolic Stem Bark Extract of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn, BioMed research international 07/2013;2013:826295.DOI: 10.1155/2013/826295 Source: PubMed, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Assam 786004, India.
2. Khamkar P. A., Chavan M. J., Chaudhri S. R.,International Standard Serial Number : 0976-1381, Department of Pharmacognosy, Amrutvahini College of Pharmacy, Sangamner-422 608, Dist.Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.
3. Narahari N. Palei and Malay K. Das, Lornoxicam loaded solid lipid nano particles for topical delivery: ex vivo assessment and pharmaco dynamics activity, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh 786004 INDIA.
4. Manoj S Mahajan, Vishal S Gulecha, Rakesh A Khandare, Aman B Upaganlawar, Hemant H Gangurde, Chandrashekhar D Upasani, Anti-edematogenic and analgesic activities of Ficus benghalensis, Research Article, Department of Pharmacology, S. S. D. J. College of Pharmacy, Neminagar, Chandwad, Maharashtra, India.
5. Vishal Gulecha, T Sivakumar, Aman Upaganlawar, Manoj Mahajan, and Chandrashekhar Upasani,2011.Screening of Ficus religiosa leaves fractions for analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities, Indian J Pharmacol. 2011 Nov-Dec; 43(6): 662–666.doi: 10.4103/0253-7613.89822 PMCID: PMC3229781.
6. Experimental Evaluation of Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activity of 80% Methanolic Leaf Extract of Moringa stenopetala Bak. F. in Mice, Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
7. Junaid Khan, Amit Alexandera , Ajazuddinb , Swarnlata Sarafa and Shailendra Sarafa University Institute of Pharmacy, Pandit Ravishankar Luteolin–phospholipid complex: preparation, characterization and biological evaluation,Shukla University, Raipur, b Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India.
8. Loxmi Jamoh, Pallabi K. Hui, Tridip J. Das and Hui Tag, Evaluation of Analgesic Activity of Methanolic Extract of Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) Bennett & R. Brown Leaves in Albino Rat, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh-791112, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
I) Mice and Rat Restrainer :
1.Rao, R.M. and Sadananda, M., 2016. Influence of State and/or Trait Anxieties of Wistar Rats in an Anxiety Paradigm. Annals of Neurosciences, 23(1), pp.44-50.
J) Electroconvulsiometer:
2.Kunda, P.K., Rao, J.V., Mukkanti, K., Induri, M. and Reddy, G.D., 2013. Synthesis, anticonvulsant activity and in silco studies of schiff bases of 2-aminothiophenes via guanidine-catalyzed gewald reaction. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12(4), pp.566-576.
K) Probe Sonicator :
1.Vijayan, V., Aafreen, S., Sakthivel, S. and Reddy, K.R., 2013. Formulation and characterization of solid lipid nanoparticles loaded Neem oil for topical treatment of acne. Journal of Acute Disease, 2(4), pp.282-286.
2.Parveen, G., ALLY Journal of Pha., 2015. Anti-acne effect of Capparis spinosa seed oil loaded solid lipid nanoparticles. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHARMACY MEDICINE AND BIOALLIED SCIENCES.
3.Vinod Mokale, Bharti Khatumaria, Umakant Verma, Navin Shimpi, Jitnedra Naik and Satyendra Mishra, 2014. Formulation and Development of Nanoparticles for Quick and Complete Release of Hydrochlorothiazide by Nanonization Technique. Micro and Nanosystems,vol. 6,no.2 111.
L) Tail flick Analgesia Meter :
1.Khobragade, D.S., AK, L.R., Rao, T.K., AVR, P.K., Reddy, G.S. and Potbhare, M.S., 2013. Multi-model confirmatory evaluation of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and
antioxidant activities of Putranjiva roxburghii wall. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 4(12), pp.921-932
2. Geremew, H., Shibeshi, W., Tamiru, W. and Engdawork, E., Experimental Evaluation of Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activity of 80% Methanolic Leaf Extract of Moringa stenopetala Bak. F. in Mice. Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Journal, 31(1), pp.15-26.
3. Suresh, Velpula & Deepika, Godugu & Bantal, Veeresh & Rao, Beedu & Karuna, Rupula, Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory and Anti-nociceptive Potentials of Andrographolide and Forskolin: In vivo Studies
4. Bibhuti Bhusan Kakoti, Paresh Pradhan, Sudarshana Borah, Kabita Mahato, and Mritunjay Kumar,Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of the Methanolic Stem Bark Extract of Nyctanthes arbor-tristisLinn
5. Helen Geremew, Workineh Shibeshi1, Wondmagegn Tamiru and Ephrem Engdawork, Experimental Evaluation of Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activity of 80% Methanolic Leaf Extract of Moringa stenopetala Bak. F. in Mice
M) RMC Metabolic Cages:
1. Prathiba.R.V, Raghunath.G.V, Ravindra Kanchi,An Experimental Evaluation Of Haritamanjari (Acalypha Indica Linn) For Mutrala Karma W.S.R To Diuretic Activity, International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, Professor & HOD, Department of Dravyaguna, Ramakrishna Ayurvedic Medical College and PG Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
N) Student Physiograph :
1.Vashistha, B., Sharma, A. and Jain, V., 2016. Ameliorative potential of ferulic acid in vincristine-induced painful neuropathy in rats: an evidence of behavioral and biochemical examination. Nutritional neuroscience, pp.1-11.
O) All Maze Systems :
1. M. Sumithra1, G. Arunachalam2 and V. Chitra, 2016. Sargassumilici folium (Turner) C.Agardh Ameliorate Oxidative Stress Induced Neuronal Degeneration in the AnimalModel of Alzheimer’s disease. BIOSCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASIA. Vol. 13(2), 1069-1074.(arm maze)
2. Mohanbabu, A.V.R., Kishore, M.K.K., Chandrashekar, B.R., Pradeepa, H.D., Christopher, R. and Nandit, P.B., 2015. Evaluation of potential antiamnesic activities of aqueous extract of Vitex trifolia leaves against scopolamine induced amnesia and in normal rats. Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology, 26(2), pp.201-209.(T- maze).
3. Rashmi Madhava Rao Monika Sadananda 2016.Influence of State and/or Trait Anxieties of Wistar Rats in an Anxiety Paradigm, Ann Neurosci. 2016 Mar; 23(1): 44–50, Published online 2016 Mar 11. doi: 10.1159/000443555, Brain Research Laboratory, Biotechnology Division, Department of Biosciences, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore, India.
4. Mahalaxmi Mohan, Hitesh V Kachave, Gitesh N Guthale,2018. Evaluation of Nootropic Activity of Solanum torvum on Some Behavioral Models using Mice,Inventi Rapid: Ethnopharmacology, Volume 2018, issue4,M.G.V’S Pharmacy College,Nahsik-422003,Maharashtra,India.
5. Mahalaxmi Mohan, Pallavi Baviskar, Mitali Dalvi,2018. Effect of Solanum torvum Extract on Some Animal Behavioral Models in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats, Inventi Rapid: Ethnopharmacology, Volume 2018, issue4, M.G.V’S Pharmacy College,Nahsik-422003,Maharashtra,India.
P) Cooks Pole Climbing Apparatus :
1. M. Sumithra1, G. Arunachalam2 and V. Chitra, 2016. Sargassumilici folium (Turner) C.Agardh Ameliorate Oxidative Stress Induced Neuronal Degeneration in the AnimalModel of Alzheimer’s disease. BIOSCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASIA. Vol. 13(2), 1069-1074.
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